
D.N.A. brings FCNN’s members Anita Beikpour and Dina El Kaisy Friemuth together with artist and music producer Neda Sanai. Thier collective acts as a feminist strategy that cancels the singular artist model as a producer of finished art commodities. Since its inception in 2016, FCNN – Feminist Collective With No Name has compiled a variety of initiatives internationally. Since joining with Neda Sanai in 2020, they have started a new project, hydrocapsules.love, which functions as an eco-feminist organism of different collaborations and conversations about a socio-ecological time and space in crisis.
Welcome to the Crisis is a series of manifestos and statements in conversation with and in response to Fulfilment Services Ltd. The work appears as notes, headlines, titles and quotations that imagine an alternative reality of fulfilment based on fluidity within the natural world inspired by hydro-feminism.
D.N.A.’s work takes the form of sound, billboards, and T-shirts. The commission is designed to circulate publicly, forcing spectators to take a step back from the networks as they know them, demanding a re-examination of the long and far-reaching effects of techno-capitalism on the environment and the day-to-day lives of the global majority. Their manifesto moves, floats, freezes, drowns and grows, creating spaces for the intersectional voices they platform.
Centring on another perspective – a shift from a Western-centric Anthropocene worldview to one grounded in ecosystems – is of utmost importance in D.N.A.’s practice. In framing the world as one in crisis, they begin with the fact that humans are all bodies of water and bodies of resistance. This body of work calls for coexistence with nature’s systems, while resisting the power structures that try to control and extract value from our ecosystems.

To send us your photos of D.N.A.’s work, please email fulfilmentservicesltd@gmail.com