breath mark collective would like to thank everyone who has contributed, especially:
The artists, Lisa Hall and Hannah Kemp-Welch, for their expertise and commitment to this project.
Our partner Furtherfield, in particular Charlotte Frost, Tanya Boyarkina and Ruth Fenton for their continuous support and commitment and providing us with this invaluable opportunity.
Studio Hyte, a South London-based design studio, for designing and developing both front and back end of the production.
Edible Landscapes London, a not-for-profit community in Finsbury Park, in particular David Berrie, Theo Betts, Juliette Ezavin, Jo Homan and Imogen Simmonds for volunteering their voice and sounds.
Our tutors Marianne Mulvey, Kelly Large and Victoria Walsh for their continuous guidance and support throughout the project, and Gerrie van Noord for proofing the contents for this microsite.
Authors and publishers for kindly providing the credits of the materials for this reading room.
An Endless Supply for developing breath mark’s reading room.
To our visitors both on and offline who are exploring this website now and who have visited/are at/are going to visit We are just animals, humans, and machines getting on together in specific lifeworlds.
And, last but not least, the wonderful curatorial collective members of breath mark, Kevin Bello, Jindra Bucan, Soyeon Park, Yifei Tang, Yuting Tang and Harriet Min Zhang for the whole journey.