3.1 Online surveys
To allow us to gather a wide range of opinions about sharing from people around the world we created and conducted two online surveys. By incorporating the findings from the literature review we formed the survey questions. The surveys were designed to collect information about what things people were willing to share and with whom, what shared products or services people had used and their motivations for using them, as well as the key benefits or barriers people had regarding vehicle/ride sharing services. The survey questions and participants’ demographic information can be found in our report (click ‘DOWNLOAD FULL REPORT’ at the bottom of this webpage).
3.2 User enactment workshops
In order to build on the responses we received from the online surveys we wanted to look deeply into people’s views on sharing and hear personal stories of their experiences. We had specific aims for the workshops which were to discover patterns of ownership, patterns of sharing in the community, the frequency of sharing activities and what configurations people would like to have in a shared vehicle interior. To do so we held user enactment workshops which were also part of our research into the sharing economy’s influence on mobility design, with the aim to create new vehicle related services and designs. The workshops explored the topics of ownership and sharing in the participants’ personal life as well as their car sharing experiences. We intended to understand people’s motivations and barriers for sharing as well as find out who they would share with and what they were happy to share.
3.2.1 Workshop participants
The fifteen participants for all three workshops lived in London, represented different genders, came from a diversity of backgrounds and were aged between 24 and 72 years of age. Some of the participants owned and drove cars, shared their car with others, had a drivers licence but did not own a car, or did not drive but used ride, bike or car rental and sharing services. After the participants had settled into the space and were seated around a table with the facilitator they each signed the consent forms and were given information about the workshop.