Project Lead: Laura Pinnington, Yin Ying Kong, Kaushikee Gupta, and Sindi Breshani

Number of participants:  25

Duration: 3 days

Project Outline:
Can you write a colour? Can a comic be criticism? Concentrating on Colour is a fun, hands-on and intensive three-day zine-making workshop on the subject of colour. Participants will bring an excerpt from a favourite text about colour (up to 500 words) from an essay, short story, poem, lyric, magazine article, etc) to use as a starting point. They will then be challenged to re-imagine how colour can be depicted in a print publication. We will be drawing on the expertise of artist David Blandy and writer/critic Sally O’Reilly, amongst others, for guest lectures and workshops. With experimental writing, zine-making exercises and a visit to the RCA Colour Reference Library, we will be producing a limited-edition publication to take away –– a zine! –– plus a mini exhibition and group crit. Concentrating on Colour is for sharing ideas and skills across programmes; led by students in Writing, CAP and IED, and invited RCA staff, participants from all disciplines will be welcomed to critically reconceptualise the possibilities of text and image.


Day 1: Wednesday 6th November:
Introduction, introductory exercises (Dolven test*, experimenting with excerpts), readings
Colour reference library visit group #1
lunch break
Ideation for zine

Day 2: Thursday 7th November:
Colour reference library visit group #2 (max 12pax)
Making exercises (collage, illustration, layout)
Lunch break
Guest workshop with Sally O’Reilly (RCA Writing and CAP – TBC) [Date and Time expected to change]
Zine production – Experimenting/Creating/Making

Day 3: Friday 8th November:
10:30 AM – Guest talk with David Blandy  (RCA Printmaking, speaking on ‘The Barefoot Lone Pilgrim’, performance photography, video, comics)  [SKYPE]
Split Into Production Teams [Marketing, Advertising, Printing, Folding/Binding, Publishing, Curation, Beverage etc]
Zine Production- Printing
Lunch break
Set Up end-of-day exhibition
Group crit (with guest Jeremy Millar