Consortium partners

National Association for Voluntary
and Community Action (NAVCA)
Alex Boys
Head of Business Development and former CEO of OneWalsall
NAVCA’s primary purpose is to promote the local voluntary and community sector nationally. Thousands of members, ranging from small charities that operate from people’s own homes, including their shed’s, garages, and home offices up to larger charities such as the British Red Cross. NAVCA has a national contract for carrying out research into social prescribing and this is helpful to better understanding Nature based Solutions.
The impact NAVCA can offer therefore is wider dissemination specifically within the VCS sectors and local authorities with interests in building community capacity through participation and co-design. NAVCA can connect and promote the Nature’s Way project with its 145,000 members to engage a range of VCSEs in the design process offering continued support to grassroots community groups who are setting out on designing and delivering NBS.
Additionally, through connecting with NAVCA’s work on Social Prescribing. NAVCA’s latest report ‘Social Prescribing: The role and experiences of local voluntary sector infrastructure organisations (September 2021) can be found here.